"...and all I could say was, I have a son!" 1950s baby
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.
Abortions on video can be viewed online at silentscream.org, Abort73.com, AbortionNO.org, http://www.massmediamail.com/durarealidad/ . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing
I have been asked why I use the words 'child', 'offspring' and 'infant' in reference to the living product of procreation in a woman's body, instead of the more 'scientific' terms of 'Zygote' or 'fetus' etc.
These 3 words apply regardless of stage of life, from conception forward. They are accurate descriptions of the living product of procreation inside the mother and
more accurately convey what the living product of procreation actually is.
Terms such as 'zygote'& 'fetus' convey stages of its life, the terms I use convey the life itself. From conception to natural death, we are dealing with one and the same individual and unique life that, once dead, will never be duplicated .
Using terms that focus on individual stages of that single life imply that at certain stages of our lives we may be categorized as less human than at other stages and therefore, less entitled to the protections enjoyed by those who are 'more' human. It is this usage of such terms that invites such horrific suggestions that there is such as thing as being "fully human" "pre-human" or "sub-human". They smack of eugenics and are used to justify a utilitarian view of the human individual life.
All 3 words I use are linguistically and scientifically appropriate to describe the living product of procreation from conception forward.
INFANT: unable to speak, without speech. Human child prior to the ability to speak and walk.
OFFSPRING: the product of or living product of procreation (sex).
Child : another word for offspring
For example, I was my mother's infant from conception to the day I spoke. I have been her child and her offspring for my entire life.