Miracle Boy! 2009 baby whose survival with a detached and non-functioning placenta for months, was termed by his Doctor a "Miracle". When the placenta detached, his mother was advised to abort . She refused and carried him to near term.
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.
Abortions on video can be viewed online at silentscream.org, Abort73.com, AbortionNO.org, or http://www.massmediamail.com/durarealidad/ . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing
The core rationale justifying intra-uterine infanticide (surgical abortion) and chemical infanticide (non-surgical abortion)goes beyond the superficial debate. The real question is, "Who owns the life in the mother?". In the answer to that question, you will find what truly divides the two sides in this debate.
In opposition to the practice of intra-uterine & chemical infanticide , pro-life supporters postulate human life is a sacred gift of God granted to the person to whom it is attached and therefore, is owned by that person and by no one else. This is actually the view expressed in our Declaration of Independence as our "unalienable" "right to life" given us by our "Creator", presumably at the moment of our creation, ie: conception.
In support of intra-uterine & chemical infanticide, the pro-choice abortion supporters assert that the owner of the body owns the life in her body by virtue of that life's complete and utter dependence upon her for its survival. There is no corresponding constitutional assertion.
Both agree our government has an obligation to protect our right to life and ensure no one takes away our life without just cause. They disagree as to when that obligation begins.
Those who reject abortion see life from conception as unalienable; But, those who support abortion see life from birth as unalienable.
The debate over the question of abortion has shifted from whether or not we are killing a human in the process, to a debate over who owns the life thus extinguished.
If the child owns its own life from conception, then it is entitled under our constitution to the protections of the state and it's interests must be balanced against those of its mother.
If the child's life is owned by the mother, then only the mother's rights, what ever they are deemd to be, are entitled to the protection of the State.
Therefore, it matters a great deal who owns the life in the mother, because that ownership determines the controlling interest in that life, its value, and the level of the State's obligation to protect that individual.
Each of us must carefully consider this question, as the ownership of the life in the mother has a direct bearing on whether we, ourselves, own our own lives.