"Smile for Mommy!..." 1940s baby
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.
Abortions on video can be viewed online at silentscream.org, Abort73.com ,AbortionNO.org, and http://www.massmediamail.com/durarealidad/ Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing
The term "Eugenics" was first coined in 1883 and is Greek for "good birth"
Human Eugenics is committed to the implementation of methods to increase evolutionarily desirable offspring , decrease evolutionarily undesirable offspring, and eliminate or reduce those segments of the human population not making evolutionarily positive contributions to mankind's evolutionary advancement. Eugenics is an inherently racist social engineering movement that has encompassed the entire globe. It promotes serious violations of human rights, even if the unborn are removed form the equation, and is an anti-feminist movement that sees women's reproductive rights as the property of the state or of society and not her own to control. It devalues indvidual human life and promotes covert-racism as a means of circumventing the shift of public opinion away from racist views. Some people's lives are worthy of preservation and other people's lives are not worthy.
As the Nazi's were devoted eugenicists as a nation, and the Holocaust was, in fact, the largest eugenics program ever operated to that date, after the war, it became needful that the eugenicist movement lower its profile and find some other names under which to effect its activities and work towards its goal. Population control and family planning became the new 'eugenics'. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist.
The tools used to reduce the number of undesirables in a population are:
1. abortion
2. euthanasia
3. assisted suicide
4. sterilization
Modern eugenicists do NOT believe these should be choices and they hope, by reinterpreting the Constitution, to be able to implement forced or coerced abortion, euthanasia, suicice and sterilization. This goes for the tools used to increase the desirables. If eugenicists get their way, we reproduce or be sterilized at the will of the state.
The tools used to increase the number of desirables in a population are:
1. fertility treatements
2. genetic engineering
3. in vitro fertilization
4. preservation of and protection of desirable pregnancies.
The tools used to identify which is which are:
1. in utero medical screening (defective infants are killed)
2. placement of abortion clinics in minority communities (to encourage abortions)
3. genetic counseling (to encourage parents to abort the genetically suspect).
In America, only a voluntary system of selective extermination of the unfit will work. By couching abortion, euthanasia and suicide in the terms of empowerment, ie: right to choose (abortion), right to die (euthanasia and suicide) we make something very evil sound very good. The courts and the states can always step in and 'protect' your right by exercising it for you...by having your child aborted against your wishes or by having you euthanised against your will.
In the current state of the eugenics movement, the idea has been adopted that wantedness is the real determining factor in the value of a human life. The wanted are better cared for and come from genetically superior groups, the unwanted are uncared for and come from genetically inferior populations. Though the concept means a few 'desirable' babies will be killed, the majority killed will be the same population eugenicists would target forcibly if they had the power of the state behind them to do it. The same is true of euthanasia and suicide.
This has been going on for over 50 years, quietly killing off huge segments of our population in the name of genetic engineering and social advancement. We have more in commong with 1930s Germany than we think......