"Cuddles and curls are little girls..." 1960s baby
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.
Abortions on video can be viewed online at silentscream.org, Abort73.com , AbortionNO.org and http://www.massmediamail.com/durarealidad/ . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing
Abortion videos offer a first hand look at what takes place when an abortion is performed in the womb. When it comes to what an abortion is, abortion videos and aborted fetal photographs are the only full disclosures a woman will get, as abortion clinics know that such full disclosure does result in fewer abortions, which lowers their income, and therefore, they oppose their use. They often call this type of full disclosure a "scare tactic" to keep women from getting abortions, or that the photos are 'fake' or that they are just 'stillborn fetuses' falsely presented as late term abortions. These photos, most from Center for Bio Ethical Reform, have been the subject of law suits, and their validity has been proven in the courts.
However, it is always better to make decisions, especially life and death decisions, with full disclosure, no matter how unpleasant.
If you are pregnant and considering an abortion, it is a greater service to you that you know the ugly truth BEFORE you have one, and that all your significant others who are helping you decide ALSO know it.
It is better to be horrified at an abortion video of what someone else has done, and avoid that error, than it is to close your eyes, commit the error and one day, be horrified at what you have done. It is the worst regret, the deepest pain, the most abiding sorrow.
Do yourself and your family a favor, be scared. Watch an abortion video before you get an abortion. View your living child in a sonogram before you kill it. Then think for one day, and choose whether to deliver a dead child now or a living child later.