"Just like Shirley Temple curls, Mamma!...." 1940s baby
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.
Abortions on video can be viewed online at silentscream.org, Abort73.com ,AbortionNO.org, and http://www.massmediamail.com/durarealidad/ Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing
"Should I Get An Abortion?"
This question can only be answered by you; However, here are some things that might help:
Go to an obstetrician and get a sonogram and look at your child so you are clear on your own child’s level of development and whether you feel comfortable killing the child. If you cannot find a place quick to get one done, call a pro-life group. They probably know where you can get one free. Better to know now than later.
Watch a fetal development film or examine fetal development charts and compare the information to your child’s estimated fetal age. These are online. It takes only minutes to do this research. Think about whether you can live with killing your child at its level of development. Better to know now than later.
Understand that your child may be able to feel pain as early as 6 weeks after conception. Estimates are the child can feel pain sometime between 6 and 7 ½ weeks gestation. Better to know now than later.
Abortion is birth. It is the induced birth of a dead, dieing or to be killed child. It is painful in the extreme. Many women who have living births have reported that their abortion(s) were far more painful than their births(s). Women have experienced being restrained with straps or held down by multiple nurses during their excruciating “procedure”. Maybe you will be lucky and be able to stand the pain without being strapped in , but even then, it is horrible. Abortion rooms are sound proofed for a reason. Better to know now than later.
Know the risks of abortion: permanent sterility, emergency hysterectomy, incomplete abortion requiring the procedure to be redone, increased risk of suicide, long standing depression, bi-polar disorder, pathological fear of Doctors and general medical care that can last a lifetime, bleeding out unto death, septicemia unto death, stroke or heart attack during or shortly after the “procedure” just to name a few. ... the trauma of abortion in its after effects, closely resembles the trauma of rape. You are out of control, restrained or afraid to move, objects are violently rammed into your vagina and womb repeatedly, you bleed profusely and suffer great pain. You are the victim of a violent assault on your reproductive organs, and the fact that you “consented” to the assault does not lessen the trauma. Painful intercourse and frigidity follow many women after abortion as they do many victims of rape. Better to know now than later.
Abortion is a parenting choice. You have your offspring growing in your body and are making decisions for that child. This is , by definition, parenting. You cannot avoid being a mother and parent and giving birth by getting an abortion. When you get an abortion, you become a mother whose child died at birth, and a parent who chose the death. Parenting your child with abortion leads to guilt, shame & self-hatred. Parenting your child to a live birth leads to love, joy and self-compassion. What is good for your child will be good for you. What harms your child will harm you. Better to know now than later.