Monday, November 23, 2009

Better To Know Now Than Later

"Just like Shirley Temple curls, Mamma!...." 1940s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at, ,, and Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

"Should I Get An Abortion?"

This question can only be answered by you; However, here are some things that might help:

Go to an obstetrician and get a sonogram and look at your child so you are clear on your own child’s level of development and whether you feel comfortable killing the child. If you cannot find a place quick to get one done, call a pro-life group. They probably know where you can get one free. Better to know now than later.

Watch a fetal development film or examine fetal development charts and compare the information to your child’s estimated fetal age. These are online. It takes only minutes to do this research. Think about whether you can live with killing your child at its level of development. Better to know now than later.

Understand that your child may be able to feel pain as early as 6 weeks after conception. Estimates are the child can feel pain sometime between 6 and 7 ½ weeks gestation. Better to know now than later.

Abortion is birth. It is the induced birth of a dead, dieing or to be killed child. It is painful in the extreme. Many women who have living births have reported that their abortion(s) were far more painful than their births(s). Women have experienced being restrained with straps or held down by multiple nurses during their excruciating “procedure”. Maybe you will be lucky and be able to stand the pain without being strapped in , but even then, it is horrible. Abortion rooms are sound proofed for a reason. Better to know now than later.

Know the risks of abortion: permanent sterility, emergency hysterectomy, incomplete abortion requiring the procedure to be redone, increased risk of suicide, long standing depression, bi-polar disorder, pathological fear of Doctors and general medical care that can last a lifetime, bleeding out unto death, septicemia unto death, stroke or heart attack during or shortly after the “procedure” just to name a few. ... the trauma of abortion in its after effects, closely resembles the trauma of rape. You are out of control, restrained or afraid to move, objects are violently rammed into your vagina and womb repeatedly, you bleed profusely and suffer great pain. You are the victim of a violent assault on your reproductive organs, and the fact that you “consented” to the assault does not lessen the trauma. Painful intercourse and frigidity follow many women after abortion as they do many victims of rape. Better to know now than later.

Abortion is a parenting choice. You have your offspring growing in your body and are making decisions for that child. This is , by definition, parenting. You cannot avoid being a mother and parent and giving birth by getting an abortion. When you get an abortion, you become a mother whose child died at birth, and a parent who chose the death. Parenting your child with abortion leads to guilt, shame & self-hatred. Parenting your child to a live birth leads to love, joy and self-compassion. What is good for your child will be good for you. What harms your child will harm you. Better to know now than later.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


"Smile for Mommy!..." 1940s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at, ,, and Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

The term "Eugenics" was first coined in 1883 and is Greek for "good birth"

Human Eugenics is committed to the implementation of methods to increase evolutionarily desirable offspring , decrease evolutionarily undesirable offspring, and eliminate or reduce those segments of the human population not making evolutionarily positive contributions to mankind's evolutionary advancement. Eugenics is an inherently racist social engineering movement that has encompassed the entire globe. It promotes serious violations of human rights, even if the unborn are removed form the equation, and is an anti-feminist movement that sees women's reproductive rights as the property of the state or of society and not her own to control. It devalues indvidual human life and promotes covert-racism as a means of circumventing the shift of public opinion away from racist views. Some people's lives are worthy of preservation and other people's lives are not worthy.

As the Nazi's were devoted eugenicists as a nation, and the Holocaust was, in fact, the largest eugenics program ever operated to that date, after the war, it became needful that the eugenicist movement lower its profile and find some other names under which to effect its activities and work towards its goal. Population control and family planning became the new 'eugenics'. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist.

The tools used to reduce the number of undesirables in a population are:
1. abortion
2. euthanasia
3. assisted suicide
4. sterilization

Modern eugenicists do NOT believe these should be choices and they hope, by reinterpreting the Constitution, to be able to implement forced or coerced abortion, euthanasia, suicice and sterilization. This goes for the tools used to increase the desirables. If eugenicists get their way, we reproduce or be sterilized at the will of the state.

The tools used to increase the number of desirables in a population are:
1. fertility treatements
2. genetic engineering
3. in vitro fertilization
4. preservation of and protection of desirable pregnancies.

The tools used to identify which is which are:
1. in utero medical screening (defective infants are killed)
2. placement of abortion clinics in minority communities (to encourage abortions)
3. genetic counseling (to encourage parents to abort the genetically suspect).

In America, only a voluntary system of selective extermination of the unfit will work. By couching abortion, euthanasia and suicide in the terms of empowerment, ie: right to choose (abortion), right to die (euthanasia and suicide) we make something very evil sound very good. The courts and the states can always step in and 'protect' your right by exercising it for having your child aborted against your wishes or by having you euthanised against your will.

In the current state of the eugenics movement, the idea has been adopted that wantedness is the real determining factor in the value of a human life. The wanted are better cared for and come from genetically superior groups, the unwanted are uncared for and come from genetically inferior populations. Though the concept means a few 'desirable' babies will be killed, the majority killed will be the same population eugenicists would target forcibly if they had the power of the state behind them to do it. The same is true of euthanasia and suicide.

This has been going on for over 50 years, quietly killing off huge segments of our population in the name of genetic engineering and social advancement. We have more in commong with 1930s Germany than we think......

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Former Abrtionists Speak

"...he looks just like my Dad!..." 1950s baby
Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at, ,, and Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

..."There are usually two questions the girls ask. The first is: Does it hurt? "Oh,'s a slight cramping sensation... Then they ask: Is it a baby? "No, it's a product of conception; it's a blood clot; it's a piece of tissue.".. she pays up front then goes into a room for counseling... They give her a 6 to 12 page form [designed] to confuse the girl... [so she won't]...ask any questions...I cannot tell you one thing that happens in an abortion clinic that is not a lie." Carol Everett,

"...When the abortionist finishes a suction D & C, he has to open a little suction bag and he has to literally reassemble the child....because he wants to make sure he didn't leave anything behind....complications [occur]...perforated uteruses... bleeding, infection -- Lord knows how many of those women are sterile now.... a young lady that I had done an abortion on showed up, and the abortion had been incomplete....she passed an arm or a leg and she freaked out....and I was doing salines...They were horrible because you saw one intact, whole baby being born, and sometimes they were alive..."Dr. Anthony Levatino

"...after I would do the suction D & C procedure, I would then go... to a sink where I would ... pick through it identify the four extremities, the spine, the skull and the placenta. If I didn't find that, I would have to go back and scrape and suction some more...' Dr. Beverly McMillan

"...I had seen an ultrasound...late first trimester, probably second trimester [abortion]. I handled the ultrasound while the doctor performed the procedure and I directed him while I was watching the screen...I saw the baby pull away. I saw the baby open his mouth...I couldn't deny what I saw on the screen..." Joy Davis

"...The patients that we cared for after injecting the hypertonic saline [abortion], we actually took to the labor and delivery unit... It was there that I treated patients in premature labor. We used medications to try to stop the labor so that the pregnancy could progress to term. Sometimes the aborted babies were bigger than the premature ones which we took to the nursery...I also began to notice that about a third of my patients had had abortions and many of them expressed regret about having had them...I would ask them for the year of their abortion, and I discovered that...many of them...gave me the exact date as easily as most women recall the birthdates of their babies." Dr. Macarthur Hill

"...Then on the third day, they come back and ... so there's twelve women laboring down there to have these babies and they're so far along, I mean, they are third trimester babies, so that they are basically going through just as much, if not more, labor than you would to have a live delivery...." Luhra Tivis describing the delivery of late term dead offspring, that had been killed by the abortion Doctor by injecting their hearts with poison, then delivered by inducing labor.

"[He] found that the suction curette was obstructed by a torn-off fetal leg. So he changed techniques and dismembered the child with a ring forceps:...'And as I brought out the rib cage, I looked and I saw a tiny, beating heart. And when I found the head of the baby, I looked squarely in the face of another human being, a human being that I'd just killed." Dr. Paul E. Jarrett Jr.

Read the full transcripts & articles at

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Abortion is Big Business

"...and there was my child, my sweet baby, in my arms..." 1940s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,,, or . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing


Planned Parenthood is an Abortion Business

Planned Parenthood describes itself as a woman’s health and reproductive care facility.

In Reality, Planned Parenthood is an abortion business with a vested financial interest in keeping abortion legal, promoting abortion over other options, and avoiding full disclosure to women.

“...prenatal care and adoption referrals resulted for only 5 percent of the total services provided to women in 2007 while abortions accounted for 95 percent of the services that year, according to Planned Parenthood's own figures...”

PPFA facilities have also been known to instruct employees to “bring in” more abortions, despite the fact that PPFA officially denies that they promote abortion in any way.

"If a girl decides to carry her baby to term, . . . clinics don't make any money. They make money only if she has an abortion. So, inevitably, clinics put pressure on women to abort." — Carol Everett, who once owned and operated four lucrative abortion clinics.

"Nita Whitten, who once worked in an abortion clinic, says she was trained by a professional marketing firm in how to sell abortion over the phone. The main tactic abortion clinics use is fear. The phone operator asks the girl how late her period is and then tells her, 'You're pregnant.' Not 'You might be pregnant,' but 'You are pregnant.' When a girl calls, Nita says, the object is not to help her; it's to 'hook the sale.'"

“Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported an annual profit of $55.8 million for 2005-2006, with a record 264,943 abortions performed—9,000 more than the previous year.”


1. PPFA Annual Financial Report for 2005-6, 2007-8
2. article 2 Nov 2009 by Ertelt

Why say Child instead of Fetus?

"...and all I could say was, I have a son!" 1950s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,,, . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

I have been asked why I use the words 'child', 'offspring' and 'infant' in reference to the living product of procreation in a woman's body, instead of the more 'scientific' terms of 'Zygote' or 'fetus' etc.

These 3 words apply regardless of stage of life, from conception forward. They are accurate descriptions of the living product of procreation inside the mother and
more accurately convey what the living product of procreation actually is.

Terms such as 'zygote'& 'fetus' convey stages of its life, the terms I use convey the life itself. From conception to natural death, we are dealing with one and the same individual and unique life that, once dead, will never be duplicated .

Using terms that focus on individual stages of that single life imply that at certain stages of our lives we may be categorized as less human than at other stages and therefore, less entitled to the protections enjoyed by those who are 'more' human. It is this usage of such terms that invites such horrific suggestions that there is such as thing as being "fully human" "pre-human" or "sub-human". They smack of eugenics and are used to justify a utilitarian view of the human individual life.

All 3 words I use are linguistically and scientifically appropriate to describe the living product of procreation from conception forward.

INFANT: unable to speak, without speech. Human child prior to the ability to speak and walk.

OFFSPRING: the product of or living product of procreation (sex).

Child : another word for offspring

For example, I was my mother's infant from conception to the day I spoke. I have been her child and her offspring for my entire life.

Abortion Defended as Slavery was Defended

"Little brown Angel, heart in hand..." 1980s baby girl

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,,, and Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

Slavery Defended 1860 - The black race is served by the institution of slavery. It is a benefit to him. He will never know the poverty and suffering of the paid laborer , whose life is spent in squaller, filth, hunger, and deprivation. He is cared for by his master and thus, never knows the horrors of a life of poverty. Thus it is a mercy to keep him enslaved , so he never knows the suffering that is freedom.

Abortion Defended 2009- The unborn are served by the institution of abortion. It is a benefit to the child to die in the womb and never enter the world, where his mother will have to raise him or her in poverty and suffering. If born, the child’s life will be spent living in the most horrid of conditions of deprivation and crime. Thus, it is a merciful act to kill the offspring in the womb and save them from the suffering that is life.

One person owning another person is not righteous, it is slavery. In America today, every woman has been given ownership over her offspring and the power to choose life or death for another person. Every woman is the holder of a slave, another person as property. Couched in the language of freedom and choice, we are encouraged to embrace and practice two of the most heinous crimes we can commit against another person, making another person our property and taking another person's life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Abortion Videos - Full Disclosure or Scare Tactics?

"Cuddles and curls are little girls..." 1960s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at, , and . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

Abortion videos offer a first hand look at what takes place when an abortion is performed in the womb. When it comes to what an abortion is, abortion videos and aborted fetal photographs are the only full disclosures a woman will get, as abortion clinics know that such full disclosure does result in fewer abortions, which lowers their income, and therefore, they oppose their use. They often call this type of full disclosure a "scare tactic" to keep women from getting abortions, or that the photos are 'fake' or that they are just 'stillborn fetuses' falsely presented as late term abortions. These photos, most from Center for Bio Ethical Reform, have been the subject of law suits, and their validity has been proven in the courts.

However, it is always better to make decisions, especially life and death decisions, with full disclosure, no matter how unpleasant.

If you are pregnant and considering an abortion, it is a greater service to you that you know the ugly truth BEFORE you have one, and that all your significant others who are helping you decide ALSO know it.

It is better to be horrified at an abortion video of what someone else has done, and avoid that error, than it is to close your eyes, commit the error and one day, be horrified at what you have done. It is the worst regret, the deepest pain, the most abiding sorrow.

Do yourself and your family a favor, be scared. Watch an abortion video before you get an abortion. View your living child in a sonogram before you kill it. Then think for one day, and choose whether to deliver a dead child now or a living child later.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Controlling Her Body

"There was a little girl...who had a little curl..." 1950s baby.

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,, , and . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

It is often said that access to intra-uterine infanticide is about control over our own body. If one spends any time on a chat room about abortion, there will be multiple posts about how abortion is " right. I have a right to control my body..."

What no one ever tells us is that we have already lost control over our body once we conceive offspring, what ever we decide to do with the offspring. Conception of offspring always takes control of our body, and neither abortion nor birth will restore it. It is done and cannot be undone.

In either case, we deliver our offspring, dead or alive. We have no control over the outcome in birth, but we determine life or death when we 'choose' ANY form of extreme early birth (abortion,including chemical). In both cases, however, we lose control of our body to the offspring and its delivery. We are NOT in control of our body in either case.

The only thing a woman controls after the conception of offspring is whether her that offspring is given the chance to be delivered alive or is subjected to deliberate extermination and early delivery dead. The child will be delivered, one way or the other.

Only prior to conception can a woman have hope of retaining control over her body, and that hope is not a guarantee, for contraception does fail and conception can occur, regardless of the measures taken to prevent it.

This concept of abortion access allegedly empowering us with control over our own bodies is a lie, and has, in fact, stolen from us our actual power to control our reproductive processes. Without this lie, we would be better equipped to evaluate conception risk behaviors , and make better choices prior to conception, choices that would enhance our control over our bodies rather than put it at risk. It has given us a false sense of security in our sexual conduct, and contributes to increased use of intra-uterine infanticide as a means of birth control.

Women must take back control of their bodies by promoting and defending truth , and exposing the lies our daughters are told about the value of human life, the value of conception, and the value of abortion. Only this will allow us to exercise the maximum control over our bodies and our lives.

Margaret Sanger Was Anti-Abortion

"Joy incarnate, is new life!" 1950s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,, , and . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, hated abortion and infanticide, and her promotion of contraception was specifically in response to these practices. She anticipated that if women had access to contraception, they would stop killing their unborn and their infants.

Margaret Sanger was a contraception activist NOT an “abortion” activist. She despised both intra-uterine and extra-uterine infanticide and if she were alive today, she would cast her lot with the anti-abortion movement and the end of the legalized murder of children in and out of the womb.

Here , in her own words, is her position on killing the unborn:

“While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.”1922

“...we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way — no matter how early it was performed it was taking a life;...” 1938

“Our laws force women into celibacy on the one hand, or abortion on the other. Both conditions are declared by eminent medical authorities to be injurious to health” 1918

“It is a noteworthy fact that not one of the women to whom I have spoken so far believes in abortion as a practice; but it is principle for which they are standing. They also believe that the complete abolition of the abortion law will shortly do away with abortions, as nothing else will.” 1920

“To them birth control does not mean what it does to us. To them it has meant the most barbaric methods. It has meant the killing of babies—infanticide,—abortions,—in one crude way or another. “ 1931

“Mothers! Can you afford to have a large family? Do you want any more children? If not, why do you have them? Do not kill, do not take life, but prevent! Safe, Harmless Information can be obtained of trained Nurses.” 1916

To read more on Margaret Sangers positions on abortion, eugenics, birth control and race, drop by or visit your local library

Monday, November 9, 2009

Every Child a Wanted Child

"A lIttle boy, a little joy!" 1920s baby

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,,, . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

"Every Child a Wanted Child" .This is a favorite catch phrase of those who support the continuation of legalized intra-uterine infanticide. It is intended to make the elimination of “unwanted” children sound compassionate.

Those who support this objective mistakenly believe , among other things, that the value of one human being’s life is determined by whether he or she is “wanted”. They presume to know that if a woman does not want the conception, she will never want the child. It is a critical error in thinking and one of those errors that leads to a high rate of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in post-abortive mothers.

Every post-abortive mother is a woman who wanted her child.

If that were not so, then the decision to submit to intra-uterine or chemical infanticide would not be a difficult one. It is a hard decision precisely because the mother actually wants the child, she just doesn’t want the conception.

These are women in crisis, not a mental state conducive to clear thinking. They want rid of the conception, but they don’t want to kill their child. They need to be protected from those who would take advantage of their conflicted state to promote infanticide.

I was an unwanted conception. My mother was 16 years old and unmarried! So what! My mother wanted me later. My 2nd and 3rd grandsons were unwanted conceptions, but now their mother adores them!

How many wanted children are walking (or even toddling) around today who, at some point in their life, were “unwanted” children?

In point of fact, every child is already a wanted child by someone, and every person has probably been an unwanted child at some point in their lives.

The waiting lists for adoptions are miles long , the unborn child’s grandparents might want the child, the father might want the child, and the mother is very likely to want the child if it is allowed to live.

The fact is , the unplanned child has many in the world who “want” it. The “unwantedness” is not coming from the mother, it is coming from others who fail to grasp the value of life itself.

The mother who is manipulated into intra-uterine or chemical infanticide is not removing one child from her life, but all of that child’s descendants as well...she is losing her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and depriving her children of becoming parents and grandparents. The 'Butterfly Effect' of one person lost, generations lost. This consequence of infanticide is increasingly felt as she ages, one of the reasons post-abortive mothers symptoms of PTSD increase with age.

Intra-uterine & chemical infanticide are unwindable events , and if (or more likely when) the post-abortive mother realizes the mistake, there can be no reconciliation with her dead child in this life. On the other hand, birth is never unwindable. She can, at any point in that child's life, relenquish the child for adoption or to the care of a relative, and have hope to be reconciled to her child someday... a hope post-abortive mothers simply do not have.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Intra-uterine Infanticide

Miracle Boy! 2009 baby whose survival with a detached and non-functioning placenta for months, was termed by his Doctor a "Miracle". When the placenta detached, his mother was advised to abort . She refused and carried him to near term.

Every woman in America today has full and complete ownership of another person every time she conceives, and the power to choose life or death for that person. This relationship between mother and offspring is a violation of the laws of God, nature, and man. Until this practice is abolished, slavery will continue to thrive in America.


Abortions on video can be viewed online at,,, or . Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to viewing

The core rationale justifying intra-uterine infanticide (surgical abortion) and chemical infanticide (non-surgical abortion)goes beyond the superficial debate. The real question is, "Who owns the life in the mother?". In the answer to that question, you will find what truly divides the two sides in this debate.

In opposition to the practice of intra-uterine & chemical infanticide , pro-life supporters postulate human life is a sacred gift of God granted to the person to whom it is attached and therefore, is owned by that person and by no one else. This is actually the view expressed in our Declaration of Independence as our "unalienable" "right to life" given us by our "Creator", presumably at the moment of our creation, ie: conception.

In support of intra-uterine & chemical infanticide, the pro-choice abortion supporters assert that the owner of the body owns the life in her body by virtue of that life's complete and utter dependence upon her for its survival. There is no corresponding constitutional assertion.

Both agree our government has an obligation to protect our right to life and ensure no one takes away our life without just cause. They disagree as to when that obligation begins.

Those who reject abortion see life from conception as unalienable; But, those who support abortion see life from birth as unalienable.

The debate over the question of abortion has shifted from whether or not we are killing a human in the process, to a debate over who owns the life thus extinguished.

If the child owns its own life from conception, then it is entitled under our constitution to the protections of the state and it's interests must be balanced against those of its mother.

If the child's life is owned by the mother, then only the mother's rights, what ever they are deemd to be, are entitled to the protection of the State.

Therefore, it matters a great deal who owns the life in the mother, because that ownership determines the controlling interest in that life, its value, and the level of the State's obligation to protect that individual.

Each of us must carefully consider this question, as the ownership of the life in the mother has a direct bearing on whether we, ourselves, own our own lives.